Overview - Piers Ridyard, CEO
I’m writing my Radix Report from bed on the second morning of the FooHack at Redfoo’s house in Malibu California. It is 8am after an intense day yesterday of building while the markets continue to fall.
The conviction for the space has not changed for anyone I spoke to at Consensus or who is here with me at the hackathon. Price can become an obsession, but in the long term it is what people do with their belief in the space that makes the real difference.
This is where the next Googles and Facebooks and Twitters of Web 3.0 will be born - the next generation of applications that leverage the power of Web3; where the noise leaves and the builders build. It is where value is allowed to concentrate on building and people can grow.
Eyes on the prize, not the price - all things pass, and Radix continues to be the best place in the world for Web 3.0 and DeFi builders to focus on the things that deliver actual value: ideas and code.
Strategy & Marketing (Adam Simmons, CSO & Jeremy Epstein, CMO)
Adam is sadly sidelined w/Covid, but we have enough in marketing to make up for it.
When we set our sights on Consensus 2022, we said that our goal was to raise the awareness of the Radix brand.
Mission accomplished.
Our Booth Drove Massive Awareness
You should be very proud of the events marketing team, led by Konstantin and Kristof. The booth was visible across the entire floor; it was roundly praised by attendees, and led us to engage with more than 750 people between our 1:1 conversations, Scrypto demos, and the wildly popular drawings for the “Lego Lambo.”
Here’s a video to get a sense of the vibe.

The Coin Center Dinner Elevated the Brand
As top-level sponsors, we received prime billing at an event attended by Senators, Congresspeople, regulators, and nearly 500 of the most influential people in the entire crypto industry, including representatives from Coinbase and Kraken.
Not only did we get a shout out from the organizers, an ad in the brochure, the opportunity to put collateral on every seat, but we also were featured next to some of the most important brands in all of crypto.

The Developer Event Led to Multiple #RadixRevelations
We had nearly 50 people spend close to 8 hours doing a hands-on Scrypto workshop in a fantastic venue and the livestream maxed out around 1500 simultaneous viewers on YouTube. On Twitter, we had over 1.1 million impressions and nearly 250k views.
Overall, the feedback, both qualitative and quantitative, was fantastic.
I spoke with one dev who said he saw our ad on Twitter, decided to attend, didn’t know anything about Scrypto and said he was, out of a scale of 0-10, “at least a 9” when it comes to the power of Scrypto.
And Austin, one of our Radix Ambassadors who was also in attendance, shared this:
“I helped one of the guys who came to the dev event last second get set up and spoke with him as he left. He's a solidity dev and his impression was along the lines of "I cant believe the approach you guys have taken with scrypto, I can't believe you guys are the only ones that are going down this path" then told me a bunch of solidity stuff that he's used to having to do.”
And my favorite story is that the guy who was manning the coffee machine was also a newbie developer. He said that after the event, he will definitely start on Scrypto. He was genuinely interested and psyched.
How’s that for spreading the #Revelation?
The After-Party Drove Perception
The Radix branded Lambo parked outside definitely was an attention getter. Inside, the vibe was magical, the attendees kept pouring in (one of them said, “this party is the best one tonight…much better than Huobi”), and the conversation was intensely genuine. It demonstrated clearly that we really appreciate those who are joining the journey with us now, and those who have been with us along the way. It was great to meet some long-time community members as well.
Overall, Radix Crushed It
I am so proud of the whole extended team (we had 11 people on the ground) who worked their butts off over very long days and in sweltering heat to make this event weekend a success.
The ROI on events like these are always tough to quantify (try as I might), but my 20+ years of experience is my guide on this one and there is no doubt it was a success. It paid off in the short-term and I expect it to pay off in the long-term as well.

And no rest for the weary…
This week is FooHack (but more on that next time).
Development (Russell Harvey, CTO & Matthew Hine, CPO)
We have entered a time of heavy development on the Babylon node, predominantly around very low-level communication and state management stuff which is tough to summarize without several pages of text, an attentive audience, and a bottle of good whiskey. Suffice to say, we have officially moved out of design and are steadily turning the crank towards a functional test network.
We were very pleasantly surprised with the creativity of submissions to the Scrypto oracle challenge! We were expecting mostly workmanlike solutions for pushing off-ledger numbers to on-ledger components, and instead we got really clever stuff like a call scheduler, a generic way of getting the result of any HTTP query back to the ledger, and even an implementation of a Verifiable Random Function. I know that we have said it before, but it is extraordinarily encouraging to see this level of inventiveness from the growing Scrypto developer community; it’s a great indicator that we will see some amazing, first-of-their-kind decentralized applications once Babylon releases.
Speaking of Scrypto, FooHack is underway at the time of this writing, with the team focusing on delivery of a fully functional chess dApp. We’re all looking forward to seeing the final result and playing some games on the Public Test Environment!
Update from the Radix Community*
The Radix Community Council has published its first interview with Delphibets, discussing what led to the creation of their project, a bit of background on the team, and what their long-term plans look like in the coming weeks and months. Check it out here.
Some updates from the Chinese community:
1. On the 2nd June they launched an online seminar to learn Scrypto Coding with 12 members.
2. They also launched an online meetup to discuss investment opportunities of Impahla and Radit.io with 20 plus members in attendance. Special thanks to @Harryrry for stepping up and playing a key role for Radix revelations in China!
There will be 2 analysis reports on Impahla and Radit.io in June. Stay tuned! This interview series is open to every project creator; if you're interested in participating with us, reach out to @StefanPersson or @denizdenizdenize on TG.
*Updates provided by members of the Radix community