Overview (Piers Ridyard, CEO)
It comes like distant thunder over the horizon: a growling, rumbling sound like a caged animal seeing an opportunity for escape…
The first steps to Babylon are now only a week away; Alphanet - when Scrypto goes from being a revolutionary programming language confined to a sandbox, and starts to prowl in a real public network for the first time.
It is hard to underline quite how big this achievement is. The teams working on this have created a new programming language AND execution environment and then connected it to the revolutionary Radix consensus algorithm. All of this is going live in one week.
Yes - Alphanet is still a test flight, but the really deep thinking comes before a new airplane ever touches a runway. Some of the most industry defining innovations are almost ready for prime time, and I am so excited.
Alphanet is also the first chance for the team to test the full Radix stack in a public environment. No doubt there will be some teething issues to work through - and from the developer’s point of view, not a huge amount will change with Alphanet.
But for the network, this is the first proper step towards a fully functional DeFi ecosystem.
Can you hear the thunder yet?
Strategy & Marketing (Adam Simmons, CSO & Jeremy Epstein, CMO)
We have loved reading the responses to our new brand video, “The Lives We Imagine”.
If you haven’t watched it, I hope you’ll check it out. If you have (and you like it), feel free to share.
But a brand video is just a part of the story. Our purpose as marketers is to “create and empower Radix evangelists”.
There are many things we do to filter potential evangelists (regardless of the stage of Revelation in which they find themselves).
One of the more recent ones is an effort to find people who are “DeFi Optimists” and are looking to dig into how DeFi will change the world.
To that end, we just launched a new whitepaper, called The 5 use cases of Web3 that will dominate the next market cycle and have seen a nice response in terms of email sign ups and downloads.
To help in finding more co-Revelationaries, this week we’ll be at Messari Mainnet in NYC & next week at Token 2049 in Singapore.
The booths look great (as they always do) and we’ve spent a lot of time tightening up the in-booth experience so we can help people understand Radix faster and with more gusto.

And, we haven’t slowed down on broader awareness through PR either. In the past 2 weeks alone, we’ve had hits in the Crypto Basics, Investing Cube, Bitcoinist, Cryptela, Finance Feed, Know Techie, the News Crypto, Crypto News Flash, and Adam had some nice quotes in Forbes.
But perhaps the highlight for more was to see the continued activation of our community around the world, including our first-ever meet-up in Germany (Dortmund). Das war ganz toll und ich bin daruber aufgeregt!

An Important Word on #RadFi2022
In the last Radix Report and Marketing Wen-sday Shard, I mentioned that we’ll be having an event in December called RadFi 2022. In that event, we’ll be sharing our unique vision for what a DeFi-enabled world looks like.
We would love it if every member of the community could promote it to friends (XRD holders and non-XRD holders alike), attend, and participate in it.
However, here’s the thing…if you already own XRD and/or have had a #RadixRevelation, you’re not the main target audience for RadFi 2022.
This is an event for everyone else who believes in the future potential of DeFi.
People who have not yet heard about Radix; People who may have heard about Radix but not gotten involved. We are deliberately trying to make Radix into a bigger tent and we have to know our audience, so keep that in mind as you set your expectations for the event and when you speculate on what it will look like.
I hear a lot “we need more people to know about Radix.” Great, I agree. This is what we are trying to do in #RadFi2022. But it means that if you are reading this Radix Report, you are not the primary audience for this event (even though you’ll hopefully find a lot of value in it).
And while our big promotion for the event won’t start until mid-Q4, we are already testing our ad copy to see what kind of messages resonate with our target audience. And we’re sending them to the RadFi 2022 Landing Page, v0.01.
So, if you want to go ahead and sign up now, go for it, but remember…this landing page is the very first rev of it. It will iterate A LOT.
Development (Russell Harvey, CTO & Matthew Hine, CPO)
Alphanet will release on Wednesday, September 28th. End communication.
Update from the Radix Community Council*
The Radix Community Council had a blast at the Blockchain Expo event in Amsterdam. Our booth was one of the busiest, and we had a great time meeting new developers, traders, and investors. Thanks to our Ecosystem booth design, we had a chance to promote the community projects and help the attendees dive into the Radix rabbit hole.

Special thanks to both RDX Works Community Lead Jacob McAtamney and CSO Adam Simmons for attending the event. Adam had a keynote speech: ‘’For the Economics of Web3 to Change Dramatically, Piecemeal, Iterative Improvements are Not Enough…and Here’s Why’’. Adam also had a fireside chat about DeFi 2.0 and was tweeted by Cointelegraph, see the tweet here.

We had a great community meetup at a local Dutch pub after the event. A massive shout out to all community members who joined us at the booth, helping us spread the word and create awareness.

The Cerberus White Paper was translated to Chinese with a great team work with the stakers of Kaiyuan Validator! Now you can download the Chinese version of Cerberus WP via http://goxrd.com.
*Updates provided by members of the Radix community Council.