Overview - Piers Ridyard, CEO
While the last two weeks continue to see blood in the wider crypto market with Voyager declaring bankruptcy and the continued saga of Celsius, it has been great to see the continued growth in Radix where it matters - builders.
For those who didn’t catch it, we recently passed 2,000 clones of the Scrypto repo. This means that over 2000 developers have now downloaded and started playing with the Scrypto code. Not only that, the number of newbies starting out with Scrypto as their first programming language also continues to grow.
I continue to be incredibly excited and proud by the amount of potential that is growing in the Radix community, as well as the way that Scrypto is growing up as a language. It is still early days, and there are still many things to improve, but I still think it is the only product being built in DeFi today that is truly putting the user first.
For those that haven’t watched the video Matt did about flash mobs vs movements, now is a good time to watch it because it is playing out.
If the market is giving you the blues, take the next 6 months out of watching red bars on trading screens and give Scrypto a try. It’s going to make you happier than the market will!
Strategy & Marketing (Adam Simmons, CSO & Jeremy Epstein, CMO)
For the marketing report, please see this past week’s Marketing Wen-sday Shard #5. That pretty much brings you up to speed. However, we do have a few other highlights since then:
- Had nearly 120 people (who represent over 300B in assets) attend the Jersey DeFi Summit, continuing to build our vision of DeFi and the Radix brand within the world of regulated financial service

Executed our first University Zoom Chat this week, led by Nick and the results are in…
- The Intro to Radix: University Zoom Chat was a resounding success
- 50+ attendees despite summer vacation and a bear market
- Top universities like Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford, UCLA and Columbia
- 25+ universities in attendance from around the world
- Canada, US, UK, France, Germany, Kenya, India, Korea, Singapore and Brazil
- This marks the start of Radix’s journey to becoming a dominant player at universities and colleges across the globe.
RedFoo as a featured guest on the DataDash vlog

- Had a call to discuss the progress of our Dandelion Marketing program, to help the numerous submissions improve their odds of success.
And don’t forget to spread the word about the upcoming “Dev Swarm” Event on July 23rd in Lisbon, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, and Szeged. Register here.
Also, July 28th 2022 will mark one year since the #Radix Public Network was launched, so we are looking for those interested in taking part in a decentralized celebration! If you would like to host an event please let us know by here.
If you can host a meetup on the 28th we want to hear from you! Register here
Development (Russell Harvey, CTO & Matthew Hine, CPO)
Implementation of Babylon progresses steadily as we work our way towards a functional internal test network. We’re currently in the midst of getting our new state manager shaken out, as well as modularizing the node so that we have cleaner separation between the communication, consensus, and engine aspects.
On the Scrypto side of things, we’re looking very good for fees making the v0.5 release, and we have just about completed work on enabling local components (components which are directly owned by another component, and are not globally addressable). Local components are an important capability in order to realize our vision of complex applications built from modular, reusable blueprints, rather than the repeated deployment of identical code present on EVM-based networks.
We also just had a quiet, but important milestone on the Olympia mainnet: our first successful protocol update! You can read about how it works here; this automated update process required a great deal of effort to design, build, and test and it’s gratifying to see it work perfectly. Many thanks to our node-runner community for a speedy uptake of the new version! We would like to extend a particular thank-you to Faraz, who was absolutely tireless in coordinating the effort, answering questions about the process, and contacting node runners to be sure they were aware of the upcoming change.
Just a few days remain on the Scrypto Lending Challenge; be sure to get your entry in by July 18th.
Update from the Radix Community*
- Now we are back with a different theme! In this quiz we will praise the Radix Legends. Everyone in the Radix family is special and we want to pay tribute to those colorful and unique people who make our community even more special! 5 winners will split 1500 XRD (300 XRD each) and another 5 winners will get a Radix Community T-shirt! Take part in the Radix Legends Quiz and see how you score!
- Another gleam giveaway of 1500 XRD is live, join if you haven’t already!
- We interviewed Bobcat Society about their experience moving their NFT project from Solana to Radix, what made Radix the right choice for them, and about the inspiration behind their artwork. https://getradix.com/updates/communityspotlight/bobcat-society-interview