Over 5,000 people are already registered for RadFi 2022. Join them and spread the word.
On Thursday, November 3rd, you will see a roll-out of our new look for RadFi 2022 and the next step of our integrated and focused marketing campaign to drive sign-ups, attendance, and members of the $XRD community.
I know I’ll hear your feedback, so bring it on. :-)
RadFi 2022 is our total focus, as it has been for some time, and November will be an exciting and busy month.
As I’ve shared previously, (here’s Shard #8), if you’re reading this note or already have $XRD, RadFi 2022 isn’t specifically for you. You’ll get a lot out of it, but it’s really for the crypto-activated people out there who haven’t yet had their #RadixRevelation.
Last month, I wrote that our Q4 focus is:
- We want to continue to build momentum on the PR/awareness front.
- We must drive massive demand and attendance to RadFi2022.
- We have to make ourselves more efficient as a team, better collaborate with other teams in the organization, and get in fighting shape for the Babylon launch.
Let’s see how we’re doing.
Operation Sparta
Our RadFi 2022 efforts really began back in September when we started testing our advertising messaging and then accelerated with a campaign we called “Operation Sparta” on September 29th. We didn’t have the full data from the campaign until after we published Shard #8, so I want to share some of the impressive stats from that day with you now.
- PR: 27 articles published
- Website: 26% increase in website visitors and 15% week-on-week website growth
- Social Metrics:
- Discord
- Daily New Members: 84.6% increase
- Daily Messages sent: 116.3% increase
- Telegram
- Daily Active Users: 32.4% increase
- Daily New Users: 174.1% increase
- Daily Average Msgs: 78.06% increase
- 697K Post views: 1633.83% increase
- 2000% increase in shares
- 72.5% increase in handle mentions and 56.7% increase in post links
- 1.3 million impressions
- Overall Post Engagement rate: 65.4% increase
Plus, we had amazing support from our university club partners at HEC Montreal Blockchain - Twitter Thread, Cambridge Blockchain society - Twitter Thread, Blockchain @ Johns Hopkins - Twitter Thread, and Boiler Blockchain @ Purdue - Twitter Thread.
This huge momentum created a big wave as we headed into October, where we sought to sustain and increase the energy, which is precisely what we have done.
October Highlights
Public Relations
We continued to see traction on the PR front, including an interview published with the “Wolf of All Streets,” Scott Melker, a fantastic feature in Entrepreneur magazine interviewing Piers, a nice article in Business Insider, a Scrypto review in CoinTelegraph, and quotes in outlets like Forbes.
All in all, October saw us generate 36 articles and mentions.
Our events team was coming off the high of Messari Mainnet and Token 2049 (where Piers was on a rocking panel called “DeFi in the Aftermath”) and is at full throttle this week at Web Summit in Lisbon. If you’re there, be sure to stop by.
And let’s not forget the DevSwarm events that happened in 7 cities simultaneously on Oct. 20th, with 250 attendees and hundreds of excited Scryptonauts who participated online.
Thought Leader Endorsement
I don’t want to spill the beans just yet and it’s probably counterproductive to even hint at it, lest it raise expectations, but hey, I’m excited.
We have a really impressive thought leader in the crypto space who has had a #RadixRevelation and is now formally partnering with us to help educate the crypto community about what an asset-oriented DeFi world looks like and why it’s superior to a message-oriented DeFi paradigm. More on that soon….
And along those lines, how cool was it to see a crypto OG like FluffyPony endorse the genius that is Cerberus?
Paid Media Update
One of the areas where we continue to focus is improving our paid targeting efforts and our dynamic duo of D&T has done just that. Some highlights include:
- Generating decreasing cost per lead for RadFi2022 on Meta as a result of A/B testing and rigorous experimentation.
- An extremely successful developer event driven by paid marketing increased our developer list by over 50%.
- Amplified the Radix brand across Reddit, Meta and LinkedIn during Operation Sparta to generate over 2m paid impressions.
Social Media Update
And while paying for something is good, getting it for FREE is even better. Thanks to Conor and Jacob’s efforts, we continue to see progress on the social media front. Some highlights include:
- A 22.8% increase in Twitter mentions.
- The RDX Works Linkedin Page has seen an engagement increase of 33.3%.
- Radix Facebook fans are clicking on our content more, with an increase of 154%.
Dandelion Update
I’m also really fired up that our first wave of Dandelion projects are launched.
Remember, the point of these is to try many, low-cost initiatives, even if they sound crazy or stupid…because if they were obvious, we would already do it. The opportunity is to find the unexpected surprise. We don’t care if most of them fail. We care about trying new things.
University Outreach
We also continue to make headway as thought leaders on elite campuses around the world. This month, our CTO Russell gave a presentation at UCLA and Jacob gave one at Cambridge.
Miscellaneous Highlights
- We FINALLY got the Radix Messari profile page updated.
Exchanges may take until the end of the year, but at least the description and category is right. - We’ve been making a concerted effort to increase the amount of co-marketing we do with our exchange partners. Adam had a nice AMA with Whitebit. More to come in this area.
- Another nice AMA with Adam. This time at On the Blockchain.
- The DeFi Download continues to roll with first-rate guests…and even more to come.
- Thanks to our amazing design team, we released a strong series of visual content pieces on the difference between how things work on other platforms and on Radix. Feel free to leverage.

- Big shout out to the community for this glorious ecosystem activity map (over 130 projects already building on Radix!) and for a great presentation in Zaragoza.

Ok, that about does it for this month’s shard.
Now, back to RadFi 2022….LFG.
P.S Hopefully we get to the point where people are happy and not pleasantly surprised, but it’s all part of the journey.