Giving Your Great Marketing Idea the Opportunity to Bloom
By Jeremy Epstein, CMO
tl;dr: have an idea for spreading the word about Radix?
Fill out this form and get up to $10k (in XRD) to test it out.
The question we’re going to grapple with today is:
What’s the best way to reach the primary objective of the global Radix Revelation?
We all know that, for those in DeFi and those who will be in DeFi, once they “get” Radix, it’s game over.
The challenge we are faced with is: how to achieve massive brand awareness?
Ways to Brand Awareness
The most common answer to “how to get massive awareness” is usually something like “do something BIG.”
It’s the myth of the Super Bowl Ad.
Many people believe that if only everyone just “knew about Radix,” it would “change everything.”
The problem is that most Super Bowl ads just don’t work.

It’s the equivalent of putting all of your chips on red 27 and hoping for a payoff. Most of the time it doesn’t pay off.
In short, it’s simply not a feasible or judicious marketing tactic to deploy.
The second most common answer to the “massive awareness” problem is to “do something that goes viral”. The problem is that there’s no way to actually make something “go viral.”
[PSA: If a marketer, consultant, or agency ever says “oh, we make viral videos,” walk the other way.]
Ways to Brand Virality
While it’s not possible to engineer virality, it is possible to increase the odds of going viral.
The way to do that is to try a LOT of things quickly and cheaply.
Our inspiration comes from the humble dandelion.
About 14 years ago, I wrote a book called “Dandelion Marketing” (PDF). The premise of the book was that the best way to do marketing that might go viral was to emulate nature’s approach to successful proliferation.
The dandelion flower creates hundreds of little seeds, at exceedingly low cost, and then casts them to the wind. Most of them don’t make it, but enough do to make the “marketing” efforts successful.
And if you think about it, this is how human reproduction works. All it takes is one, right?
So, that’s what we are going to do in the next step of our community marketing empowerment efforts.
Ways to Radix Awareness
We’ve seen that members of the community have a TON of incredibly creative and exciting marketing ideas that may be worthy of experimentation. We want to tap into that unique perspective that only you can provide, we want to explore that crazy idea that only you can pull off. We want you to do that one special thing the RDX Works team can’t.
We’ve had ideas for 3d designs of the shardspace, hackathons on college campuses, and many, many more.
So, what are we looking for? This will give you an idea of the seeds of directions with potential.
“We’re going to run a Radix joint-rolling contest in NYC”
-Eli K
(note: and the event is live)
And another one….

The challenge is that the core team simply does not have the human resources to support all of these or even fully investigate them.
But we want to support them.
Which is where YOU get a chance to bloom…
Introducing the Radix Dandelion Marketing Program
If you have an idea, no matter how crazy it is (really), we would love to learn about it and, if there is a reasonably good plan to make it a reality, we are going to help fund it (up to $10k in XRD).
While it’s not a free handout, (you will need to demonstrate that you have put some thought into it and have at least a modicum of responsibility that you can pull it off), it’s going to be very accessible.
We want a ton of experimentation going on out there, though there are a few “no go’s” such as:
- Don’t talk about/speculate on the future price of XRD.
- Don’t pretend to be or impersonate a member of RDX Works or any official team/entity.
- Don’t do anything that is likely to get RDX Works, Radix, or any other entity banned/blocked or otherwise put into disrepute or legal contention.
Yes, we know many, if not most, of them, will fail. That’s really ok.
Even if we lose 80% or more of our money, it is still worthwhile to get the learnings and the big wins from those that do have an impact.
What we want is people trying something radically different.
Remember, getting funded the first time is just the first step. If you do absolutely nothing, your reputation within Radix will be tarnished.
If you try something and nail it, you’ll definitely get us talking about what more we can do to help fuel your success.
And if you try something, fail (most likely), and share your learnings with the community via the Dandelion Marketing Retrospective process, your reputation will get a positive bump, making it more likely you’ll get funded next time, which would be awesome.
So, now’s your chance. Go nuts. No judgment.
We’re about being radically different, so don’t be boring, be daring.