There’s a saying in marketing:
“No one cares what you say about yourself,
they care what others say about you.”
So, in this month’s Marketing Wen-sday Shard #8 (here’s Shard #7), I’m going to share a few of the many examples of what members of the community are saying about Radix awareness and brand, and how our collective marketing efforts are going.
These should help give you a sense of how we did against our Q3 marketing objective: “Radix is a Growing WOM (Word-of-Mouth) Phenomenon”.

These should make YOU feel really good because these types of sentiments are not the result of one person or even the RDX Works marketing team. It’s the result of 100s, if not 1000s of little actions over the past months and years, that gradually, gradually, gradually… then suddenly, are bearing fruit.
It’s been wonderful to see the growth of the global movement, a community exploding with meet-up and dev events all around the world. Click on that link to get a feel of just how much energy there is around the world. Plus, we’re seeing some exciting engagement from universities around the world like Cambridge, Johns Hopkins, and Purdue (among many others).
And, if you want to feel the momentum on a weekly basis, make sure you follow RadixDLT on Twitter and look out for the Sunday weekly recap (here’s the Radix recap for the week of Sept 25th) that Conor cranks out.
Plus, we had a really strong month on the PR front, with more than 25 articles last week alone covering both Alphanet and the increased number of exchange integrations we generated in September. Check out some of the articles: AOL, Market Watch, Business Insider, and Yahoo! Finance.
Not only that, but we had an article (The Merge Doesn’t Solve Atomic Composability) go viral via CoinDesk and then While I may have been the named author, there were many, many people involved to create the quality write-up. Regardless, seeing the flurry of Twitter activity was overwhelming and exciting.

In short, the name of Radix is growing in awareness among the crypto-literate.

But wait, as they say, there’s more! We had a killer booth at both Token 2049 and at Messari, which drove tremendous engagement. Additionally, Piers was a panelist in Singapore (love the name of the stage) as well as Adam (thanks to the community) in Amsterdam, which got a shout-out on Coin Telegraph.

If you want to get into the flow of what Piers and I are thinking about, please do check out the Fireside chat with Piers and Jer.
Also, by the middle of this month, come hell or high water, you’re going to get a Dandelion update… or heads will roll.
Finally, we published a brand video that we call “The Lives We Imagine” which, for the most part, received very positive reviews.

RadFi 2022 December 8
And none of that even touches on #RadFi2022, which will be our anchor event for Q4 on December 8.
On that day, we will unveil our unique, radically different vision of what the future of DeFi looks like, so even more people can join our movement.
The big push for RadFi 2022 will begin in early November, but for now, you can already start sharing/promoting the RadFi 2022 Landing Page, v0.01 to get on the list. We’re using October to test out messaging and ad copy to maximize conversion.
Now, since it bears repeating, I am going to copy/paste what I wrote in the last Radix Report about RadFi 2022. We would love it if every member of the community could promote it to friends (XRD holders and non-XRD holders alike), attend, and participate in it.
However, here’s the thing…if you already own XRD and/or have had a #RadixRevelation, you’re not the main target audience for RadFi 2022.
This is an event for everyone else who believes in the future potential of DeFi.
People who have not yet heard about Radix; People who may have heard about Radix but not gotten involved. We are deliberately trying to make Radix into a bigger tent and we have to know our audience, so keep that in mind as you set your expectations for the event and when you speculate on what it will look like.
I hear a lot, “we need more people to know about Radix.” Great, I agree. This is what we are trying to do in #RadFi2022. But it means that if you are reading this Radix Report, you are not the primary audience for this event (even though you’ll hopefully find a lot of value in it).
Still…get hyped for December 8th.
Q4 Focus
Very simple.
- We want to continue to build the momentum on the PR/awareness front.
- We must drive massive demand and attendance to RadFi 2022.
- We have to make ourselves more efficient as a team, better collaborators with other teams in the organization, and get us in fighting shape for the Babylon launch.
Final Thoughts
I saw a tweet from Nick Tomaino about the various types of communities out there in crypto land and I thought to myself “man, I’m lucky to be with a bunch of missionaries.”

And finally… a big shout out to Ylenia for one of my fave Twitter pics of the month. That’s some serious flexibility.

We are looking forward to questions/comments/ideas in our Wen-Marketing Discord and, as always, we are grateful for your support.