Hopefully, you have noticed, (and as was referenced in the last Radix Report), that we’ve really been picking up the pace on our PR efforts to get the Radix story out.
In the last three weeks alone, we’ve had nearly 25 articles published and some nice quotes of senior RDX team members, including Adam, Ben, and Piers in Time magazine as well as our featured video with Ivan on Tech.
In short, momentum is building and while we continue to focus on sustaining momentum in this quarter, we are really turning our eyes toward Babylon Betanet launch in December.
By this time next quarter, you will have started to hear us talk more and more about “#RadFi2022.”
That’s the moment (it will be in Q4 at a to-be-announced date) when we intend to concretely illustrate to the world of crypto-activated people what we mean when we say that “Radix’s vision is a radically better financial system” and how Radix is uniquely positioned to realize that vision.
I’m not going to say much more now, but #RadFi2022 is something that you will want to attend, participate in and evangelize.
Regarding timing, all I can say is, it will be during December
That’s why, in September, and for the rest of the year, our marketing efforts will be heavily focused on making RadFi a success.
We are calling the supporting campaign for this “Operation Turtleneck.” It will start slowly in September and October and in early/mid-November, we expect to be going full throttle.
Of course, we will continue our efforts to grow the awareness of the brand, the perception of the brand and increase the number of people who have experienced the “Radix Revelation” in complement of our #RadFi 2022 efforts because this is something we need to do for the time between Betanet and Mainnet launch.
As you know, it’s a heavy bear market, so we have some headwinds, but this is the game we have chosen and it’s game time.
Q3 Progress
Our Q3 objective is “Radix is a Growing WOM (Word-of-Mouth) Phenomenon”. (Here’s Shard #6 to catch you up.)
Q3 Key Results
- Grow organic site visits by 2.25x
- Maintain the ratio of XRD Wallet Growth to Email List growth
- Grow XRD wallets >2000 XRD to 15k from 9k
Ok, so how are we doing?
We’re seeing degrees of positive movement against all of these metrics, and the fact that we continue to see week over week positive wallet growth (especially during a bear market) is a very encouraging sign. In fact, since the beginning of the year, we’ve seen this number grow by 50%.
Given some of the recent news we’ve received about exchange listing and integration, we should see more movement across all three metrics in the weeks and months to come, which will be supported by even more PR pick up, including some of the more recent ones, such as:
- Radix to become the Wix of DeFi in Blockchain News
- A Radix Review in Finbold
- Introduction to Radix in Cyberscrilla
- An interview with yours truly (thanks to the community council) in Blockchain Technology News on unlimited scalability
- And “Fixing the Quadrilemma” in Cryptowisser
- When Will DeFi be Competitive with Traditional Finance?
- After the L1 war, who will still be standing?
I’m well aware that some of these are not “Tier 1” outlets and you know what? That’s ok. Good PR is played in the long game, I believe, and we are “softening the beaches” and building the groundswell, which is exactly what we want to be doing four months before Betanet.
In September, you’ll also see the launch of the first (of what will be many) “Journey to Revelation” campaigns that seeks to introduce people to Radix through a targeted educational offering. Then we will programmatically nurture them to the point of “Revelation.” This also is an ongoing/evergreen effort and with Becs, our Director of Marketing leading the charge, is sure to be a strong offering.
Also, we are really gearing up for two big events at the end of September, Messari Mainnet in New York and Token 2049 in Singapore.
Take a look at the booth designs. It’s too late to change them for this event, but happy to get input for future events (ahem, WebSummit in November).

Finally, at the end of the month (September 29th), we will be celebrating the launch of Alphanet with a smaller campaign, something we call “Operation Sparta.”
August Highlights
- nearly 800 unique clones of GitHub, which is 14% growth over our tremendous July. In other words, developers continue to engage with Scrypto. Big kudos to the Dev ecosystem team here.
- 32 Community Meet-ups thus far this quarter. If you haven’t hosted one in your area (or even if you have), it’s one of the best things you can do to help grow the ecosystem.
- We are continuously looking for new and interesting ways to spread awareness of Radix through paid channels, so we’re excited to announce our recent partnership with MarketCapOf.com! We know that some of our community members love to use MarketCapOf to see what price XRD will be when it inevitably overtakes ETH. Now everyone who uses the site will also have the opportunity to learn about Radix.
Here’s a concept

- We’ve started to scale up our social channels and engagement efforts. In the past month, we’ve increased our Twitter engagement rate to 7.59%, with an extra 5,400 mentions, 12,000 retweets and 6,200 replies.
These metrics are testament to the hard work of our community and social team. Other platforms such as LinkedIn, Reddit, Facebook, Discord and Telegram continue to increase in activity and size.
Community is the heart of this journey, the hero in the story and what keeps this mission on the upward trajectory towards success. It may be a bear market, but our community and ecosystem is alive and thriving. If that’s not some serious Alpha, then I don’t know what is.
- You may have seen our concerted outreach effort to drive awareness via social to key journalists and influencers using some simple graphics. “Operation Crowe,” as it was called, had some limited success and we are going to continue to try innovative, daring ways to drive attention to Radix.
Campaign images from Operation Crowe. Feel free to use.

We are looking forward to questions/comments/ideas in our Wen-Marketing Discord and, as always, we are grateful for your support.