As announced on September 10th, 2021, the final (e)XRD token unlock has now been completed.
If you had price-locked eXRD, you will need to withdraw this via the unlocking contract: If you had price-locked XRD, this will now be in your wallet.
Radix Token Economics
As this will be the final unlock of (e)XRD, the tokenomics of Radix will be easier to understand for newcomers and existing holders. The top line economics of Radix now the final unlock is completed are:
- Circulating supply will be 9.6Bn XRD after the final unlock on September 15th, due to the indefinitely locked Stable Coin Reserve*.
- 12Bn XRD Total supply, with no new tokens or unlocks other than the 300m annual XRD network emissions for staking.
- 24Bn XRD Maximum supply will be reached in a minimum of 40 years with the 300m annual XRD emissions.
- Additionally, XRD tokens are locked via Delegated Proof of Stake (dPoS), with over 48% of tokens currently locked in staking in just over a month since the Radix Public Network genesis. This further reduces the floating supply (the number of tokens available for trade on secondary markets).
- All transaction fees on Radix (paid in XRD) are burnt. Approximately 15,000 XRD has already been burnt since the network went live on July 28th, 2021.

Radix Growth
It is an exciting time for everyone involved in Radix, and the Radix core team is excited to share the progress being made on the upcoming Alexandria release, and the path it starts towards Babylon and beyond.
With the support of our fantastic Radvocate community, we are all looking forward to the next stage of Radix growth facilitated by the simplified token economics, the continued recognition as a top tier Layer-1 solution, and striving towards our ultimate mission of powering the $360T+ global financial system on the Radix Public Network.
Over the coming weeks, thanks to the great deal of awareness and interest we have seen from the final unlock, it is expected that we will be seeing new token holders join the Radix community. To help welcome these new Radvocates, we encourage everyone in the Radix community, and all Radix token holders, to be extra active in the official Radix Telegram channel and Radix Discord server over the coming days and weeks. Everyone can help contribute to the discussions, help answer questions, and guide our new Radvocates who are joining us on our mission to make Radix the home of global finance!
For the social media savvy among our Radvocates, there is no better time than now to help spread awareness of Radix, what we are trying to achieve, and how Radix is where DeFi is done right, and the only place where DeFi can thrive!
* Some components of an ecosystem are intrinsically important to its success. Decentralized stable coins provide a mechanism for converting native tokens into stable exchange tokens and back again, function as a helpful leverage mechanism, create large amounts of lockup, and provide a useful decentralized stable store of value for other applications to use. Intrinsically, decentralized stores of value also introduce a degree of systemic risk when pegged to an external store of value (such as the USD). To help bootstrap important projects of this type, the Stable Coin Reserve will be formed. This Reserve holds 2.4Bn RADIX TOKENS that are indefinitely locked and entirely removed from circulating supply. The Foundation has a 10-year period in which to review, disburse this reserve to support a systemic stabilization protocol, which may or may not require the use of the Stable Coin Reserve. Should the Stable Coin Reserve not be needed, it will remain locked and be destroyed after the 10-year period.